What is a monologue?

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Most actors would define a monologue as a dramatic speech. However, the actual definition is more precise than that.

A monologue is a scene in which only one person talks. The other person stands in front of them listening. Here’s the catch for you… you’re going be imagining that other person standing in front of you while talking to a camera!


What’s the difference between monologues and soliloquies?

Both involve a solitary speaker, but it’s more about who’s listening. Monologue comes from the greek words “monos” meaning single, and “legein” meaning to speak. Soliloquy comes from the latin words “solus” meaning alone, and “loqui” meaning to speak. The difference is that a monologue is given from one person to someone else or an audience, whereas a soliloquy is given to oneself as if thinking out loud.

The inspiration for naming Soliliquio.com came from the Spanish word for soliloquy. Share your recorded monologues and soliloquies on Soliliquio, and take a look at some celebrity renditions too!

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