Serious Drama

89 Views · 4 months ago

Dramatic monologue from the play Fool for Love by Sam Shepard as the character May. This is a strong piece that's great for all actors to work on!

If you want to stay updated with new acting work, follow my Instagram @celinesestevez


Celines Estevez is an actor represented by Smith Young Talent Southeast and Los Angeles. She is a Lee Strasberg Theatre & Film Institute Alum NYC 2019 and has trained at several studios in LA, NYC & the South East. Celines Estevez has done work for Apple TV, Amazon Prime Video, NBC and more.

72 Views · 2 years ago

From a play called Frozen Stars by David Barnes

104 Views · 2 years ago

A woman charged for the murder of her Husband who has been abusing her emotionally and physically. In an unjust system, she takes it upon herself to protect herself against his abusive instances by stabbing him and killing him. Was it self-defense or murder?

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99 Views · 2 years ago

*This is a rehearsal not a performance* I picked up this piece not too long ago and have only read the play, done basic research and beat work. This wonderful piece is from William Gibson’s “A Miracle Worker” as Anne Sullivan, Helen Keller’s master teacher. Highly recommend for auditions!WATCH "Take and Eat" HERE:

Another short film I worked on during this project:

I have two upcoming projects that will be very released soon... (Amazon Prime) Subscribe to stay in the know!

171 Views · 2 years ago

Here’s the two clips in one video